3 Ways to Stay Afloat During Times Like These

These are tough—some might even say dystopian—times. Really painful things are happening in the world, in our country, and maybe even in your personal life. A lot of people have been asking me, How are you getting through it? What’s helping?

The truth is, like many of you, I’ve come close to despair. But I’ve also found a few things that have been deeply supportive. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I hope these three reminders help.

🔹 Focus on Your Role
A friend and fellow meditation teacher, Rebecca Schissler, once asked her spiritual advisor a question many of us wrestle with: What do I do with the news? If we consume too much, we’re overwhelmed. If we disconnect completely, we feel out of touch. The response she received was simple yet profound: What is your job? Not your profession, but your role in this unfolding moment. What’s the part you are meant to play?

We can’t do everything, no matter how much it feels like we should. But we can take care of our corner of this vast garden. When I connect to my purpose, when I focus on the work I can do, it helps counteract that feeling of helplessness.

🔹 Remember, You Are Not Alone
In moments like these, it’s easy to feel isolated, like no one else is resisting or struggling the way we are. But the truth is, there are so many good-hearted, passionate people who refuse to accept the status quo. When we remember this—when we connect with others who are working in their own ways toward justice, peace, and change—it lifts some of the weight off our shoulders.

Reach out. Remind yourself that you’re part of something much bigger.

🔹 Find Perspective
One of the most powerful ways I ground myself is by stepping outside—breathing in fresh air, looking at the ocean, standing beneath a towering tree. The world is so much bigger than this moment.

Yes, we are in pain. Yes, sometimes it feels like things may never change. But history tells us that everything turns over. The unknown can be scary, but it can also be a source of comfort. We don’t have to see the whole path—just the next step.

So if you’re struggling, know this: You are not alone. I’m right here with you. I’d love to hear from you—what’s been helping you stay afloat? Let’s keep showing up for ourselves and each other.

You can watch Yael discuss this is more detail in the video here. Want more? Subscribe to our newsletter below!


How to Find Ease, Even Now